The Spirit of God is moving over the deep places once again!

Opening the bible a few days ago, I said, “Lord, please show me something I have not seen before!”  God LOVES that request, because He never fails to answer it when I ask.  I was in Matthew 17, and only made it to verse 1 when I something jumped off the page at me.

“AND SIX days after this, Jesus took with Him Peter and James and John his brother, and led them up on a high mountain by themselves,” (Matthew 17:1 AMPC)

Incredibly, as many times as I have read this chapter, I have never noticed the first two words, “AND SIX…” were capitalized!  This had to mean something! I pondered this, thinking about the number six, and on the sixth day … Wait!  Wasn’t man created on the sixth day?  I jumped over to the book of Genesis, and confirmed that in Genesis 1:24-27 on the sixth day God made man!

Immediately I saw a correlation between the book of Genesis and this verse. Somehow, I thought, God is trying to show me that these two chapters are connected.   Excited now, and convinced that God was tying together Genesis 1 and Matthew 17 for me, I kept reading, pushing on to verse 5, which says,

“While he was still speaking, behold a shining cloud [composed of light] overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, This is My Son, My Beloved, with Whom I am [and always have been] delighted!  Listen to Him!” (Matthew 17:5, AMPC).

Once before, while reading this same verse, the Lord had asked me about the cloud.  I said, “It’s your Glory, Lord!  It was a Glory Cloud!” This time, however, upon researching the word for cloud in the Greek, I discovered that this cloud is the same cloud that led the Israelites through the desert!  This cloud was not only God’s Glory – this cloud was God Himself, overshadowing all of them on the mountain!

I quickly made the mental jump to the Spirit of God hovering over the water in Genesis.  After all, God and His Spirit are two parts of Him, I reasoned.  I was now more convinced than ever that the Lord was trying to tie these two chapters together.

The earth was without form and an empty waste, and darkness was upon the face of the very great deep. The Spirit of God was moving (hovering, brooding) over the face of the waters,” (Genesis 1:2 AMPC, emphasis mine).

More exciting still, the Hebrew word here for moving (rachaph) is an ‘action’ word!  Much more than the Spirit of God just floating above the water, or brooding like a hen sitting on her eggs, the word here means to shake, like an eagle flapping her wings and kicking out all the babies (see Deuteronomy 32:11)!  It means to move back and forth, staggering like a drunk man (see Jeremiah 23:9)!  It shows incredible amounts of tumultuous activity!  In fact, this particular word for moving is only used in the Bible three times – once in the creation of the world!

Spirit here in Hebrew is RUACH.  Just as the secular, scientific explanations try to show how the earth was formed with volcanic eruptions and rivers of molten lava, so it was when the Spirit of God – the RUACH of God – MOVED over the face of the waters with unimaginable, vital power!  This same RUACH breathed into inanimate dirt and it became life!  This same RUACH raised Jesus from the dead! God spoke and light became!  How much more did the earth heave in response to His Spirit, as God blew on the waters, creating continents and moving mountains by the breath of His lips!

As God led me from one scripture to the next, I saw the parallel that He was drawing.  He was very obviously saying that the Spirit of God is moving over the deeps once again!  He is moving over the deep places in our lives, creating a new ‘world’ by tumultuously tearing out the old, tearing down strongholds and raising up new continents!  He is calling out, as deep calls out to deep, to the deep places in our heart!

 [Roaring] deep calls to [roaring] deep at the thunder of Your waterspouts,” (Psalm 42:7 AMPC).

Is your life in an upheaval?  Is everything being shaken?  Has your world been turned upside down?  It may be because the Spirit of the living God is moving over your deep!  The RUACH of God is once again creating, birthing anew, re-creating your world to more closely match His ideal!  In order to do this, there will be a lot of activity!  You may feel shaken, staggering or even as though you have been kicked out of the nest!

A few days ago, during the course of a “heated discussion”, I found myself in a position where I was being a hypocrite. The Lord allowed me to talk myself into this position to show me that there were still rocks in the soil of my heart.  He used this situation to till that soil, getting the last little pebbles out to make it as good as possible, to be as fruitful as possible.  In order for this to happen, there had to be activity – tumultuous activity!  In this case, it came by way of a “heated discussion”.

There have recently been other situations as well, wherein the Lord has used other people to show me my heart’s true motives – and theirs. It has been a tumultuous, emotional time, but a profitable one for the Kingdom.

So, take heart! Whatever God does – whatever He allows to happen – is ultimately for our good.  No matter what it may look like right now, take heart in the knowledge that God is turning it all around for your good (see Romans 8:28)!  He will birth the new thing in your life that he wants to, once the shaking stops and the dust settles, you will see it.  You will be proud and happy of what the Lord has accomplished both through you and in your life.

Spirit of God!  Let Your RUACH come and move over the deep places once again!


Edie Bayer


February 24th, 2018                                                       Saturday 6:00 PM
Unlocking Your Innermost        Kari Perkins, Edie Bayer, Yvette Cortez
Connections Church of NW Houston
13235 Kluge Rd, Cypress, TX 77429
March 9-10, 2018                                 Friday 6:30 PM, Saturday 9:30 AM                         
Hawaii FIRE!                                    Oahu Veteran’s Center, Honolulu, HI                         
Apostle Grace Cruz, Edie Bayer, Kari Perkins, Teresa Comparin
Apostle Tina Baker, Caleb Brundidge, Pastor Chris Miyake
1298 Kukila Street, Honolulu, HI  96818
$20 Registration Fee includes both days!  Register on
March 16 – 17, 2018                             Friday 7:00 PM  Saturday  6:00 PM
Radiant Ones         Kari Perkins, Edie Bayer, DeAnn Clark, Kelly Campbell
Waverly Manor (in New Waverly, TX)
19631 A FM 1375, East Huntsville, TX  77340


I heard the Lord say, “Those aren’t weeds!  They’re hidden fruit!”

Early this morning, the crows were screaming outside my window in our vegetable garden.  Their loud, raucous noise woke me up.  I wanted to see what all the fuss was about, so I walked out to our vegetable garden, which had been sitting neglected since last summer.  I decided, as it was February already and since we love them so much, I’d better try to clean out a raised bed and plant some potatoes.

Abundance from seeds planted during a previous season!  Looking at the mess, I felt overwhelmed!  I don’t like to weed and clean up the garden.  I almost walked away, reasoning I would just have to wait for another day when I had more time.  However, it occurred to me that it was already mid-February, so I’d better do it today.  With our busy schedule we need to multi-task!  We need vegetables to be growing while we are out ministering and working.

I started weeding out a planter box, pulling on the branches of old tomato plants and eggplant stalks, removing vegetable cages and pulling out clumps of dollar weeds.  I found a dried-up tomato on top of the soil, which made me happy!  Tomatoes and other fruits that fall off sometimes grow new plants, called “volunteers”, with no effort on our part.  Volunteers are new plants that grow from the seeds of plants from a previous growing season.  I love when that happens!  It’s like free food!

I believe and I decree that you will see a return and abundance from the seeds that you have planted in a previous season!

I heard the Lord say, “See, those aren’t weeds! They’re hidden fruit!”

Steadily cleaning out the weeds and dead plants, pulling on dried sweet-potato vines on top of the soil, a sweet potato came up out of the now-loosened dirt.  To my surprise, there was another one, and then another!  Stunningly, I hadn’t even planted sweet potatoes in this planter last season!  They grew from vines in the next planter over which had reached across into this planter box, made contact with the soil and grew potatoes, without any work on my part.  They must have grown after we finished the last harvest, without our knowledge.  More free food!

Suddenly, I heard the Lord say, “See, those aren’t weeds! They’re hidden fruit!”

I kept digging through the soil, and the Lord kept speaking!  He told me that He had been working in the background the entire time, even when I had neglected the garden.  He actually said that He had been working “behind my back”!  These plants had been growing while I wasn’t watching, with absolutely no help from me! In fact, they grew IN SPITE of me!

This is GOOD NEWS!  God doesn’t need our help!  He is working on our behalf, night and day, while we sleep, even if we mess up, even if we neglect our “garden”.  He is still working, “behind our backs”!  He is producing hidden fruit for us, whether we are aware of it or not – with no help from us at all!

It is vain for you to rise up early, To retire late, To eat the bread of painful labors;
For He gives to His beloved even in his sleep,”
(Ps. 127:2 NASB).

I planted the row of potatoes in that planter and then picked up several seed potatoes in my hands.  I turned to plant them in another raised box, but realized I was out of room.  I thought, “I don’t have enough seed beds prepared!” Immediately, I heard the Lord say, “I don’t either!”  I understood Him to mean that He has so much seed to plant (the unsaved) and not nearly enough seed beds (us, His mentors and teachers) prepared to receive them!  He needs more laborers.

 “Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is indeed plentiful, but the laborers are few.

 So pray to the Lord of the harvest to force out and thrust laborers into His harvest’,” (Matt. 9:37-38 AMPC).

You shall reap a bonus crop!  About a month or so ago, I stuck some potatoes on top of the soil in a planter to try to get a head start on the growing season.  When I found out that freezes were coming, I piled straw on top to “protect” the potatoes.  This morning, not only were the potatoes growing, but some of the seed from the straw, too – a bonus crop!  I decree that not only are you going to reap that which you have sown, but you shall also reap even MORE than that, a bonus crop!

“Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the LORD blessed him,” (Genesis 26:12 NIV).

When I had planted all the seed potatoes, heading toward the house with belly rumbling, I thought to myself, “I am so hungry!”  I heard, “Wash off a sweet potato and eat it!” I washed the sweet potatoes off, but one end of each of them had been frozen, so I hesitated to eat one.  Regardless, I knew that I could stick them in water to allow them to produce “slips” – little baby vines that grow, for the purpose of being planted to produce even more fruit.  I believe that God is saying that even from those things that are dead, or simply appear to be no good, will come even more fruit!

 “Jesus said, Take away the stone. Martha, the sister of the dead man, exclaimed, But Lord, by this time he [is decaying and] throws off an offensive odor, for he has been dead four days!

Jesus said to her, Did I not tell you and promise you that if you would believe and rely on Me, you would see the glory of God?” (John 11:38-39 AMPC).

It is time to harvest the hidden fruit!  God has prepared us for the seed that has been planted and growing while we weren’t watching to produce fruit that is hidden – but is there nonetheless!  It is time to harvest the hidden fruit!  Those aren’t weeds!  Don’t be overwhelmed!  Don’t walk away!  Don’t be afraid – or too busy – to harvest the fruit in your garden.  Believe and rely on Jesus and you will see the glory of God!

Many blessings!

Edie Bayer


February 17th, 2018                                                             Saturday 6:00 PM
Prophets ROAR and FREE Author Seminar
Darryl and Edie Bayer, Shon and Teresa Comparin, Margo Johnson
New Beginnings House of Worship          12107 Toepperwein Dr., Live Oak, TX
***Also, FREE Author Seminar Saturday Feb. 17th at 3:00 PM
February 24th, 2018                                                             Saturday 6:00 PM
Unlocking Your Innermost              Kari Perkins, Edie Bayer, Yvette Cortez
Connections Church of NW Houston
13235 Kluge Rd, Cypress, TX 77429
March 9-10, 2018                                        Friday 6:30 PM, Saturday 9:30 AM                         
Hawaii FIRE!                                          Oahu Veteran’s Center, Honolulu, HI                         
Apostle Grace Cruz, Edie Bayer, Kari Perkins, Teresa Comparin
Apostle Tina Baker, Caleb Brundidge, Pastor Chris Miyake
1298 Kukila Street, Honolulu, HI  96818
$20 Registration Fee includes both days!  Register on



Wisdom has Arrived!

In a vision recently, I saw a long white car roll up to the curb.  From behind, I saw Jesus come around to the passenger side and open the door.  He was wearing his robes and sandals.  As He opened the door, I saw a pair of long legs in white high heels start to emerge from the vehicle, very slowly, one leg at a time, just like one would see on TV from an award ceremony.  Then, with Jesus’ assistance, a woman got out of the car, and from behind I could see that she was dressed in a backless, shoulder-less, sky blue, mid-calf dress, with these white high heels and a beautiful, snowy white boa.  The boa was full, rich and luxuriant, and looked like fox or some kind of fur, but I somehow knew it was feathers.   She had dark hair, pulled up to show off that gorgeous boa.

As I continued to watch, Jesus, who was now dressed in a white suit with white shoes, turned to help her away from the car.  I caught a glimpse of his face as He took this woman by the elbow and helped her push her way through the massive crowd that was gathered there, waiting.

As I lost sight of them in the crowd, I asked the Lord, “What was THAT?”

He answered, “WISDOM HAS ARRIVED!”

Immediately I thought of the scripture, “Length of days is in her right hand, and in her left hand are riches and honor,” (Prov. 3:16 AMPC).

He went on, “This is your GRAND DEBUT!  It is a RED CARPET event!”

It is our Grand Debut!   I knew then He was speaking to His church!  It is our hour!  It is our Grand Debut, our season as a whole and holy organism, to step out as His representatives and truly shine.  He is guiding us through the ocean of humanity that has crowded and gathered together, awaiting the arrival of Wisdom!  The whole earth is groaning (see Romans 8:22-23), and even the rocks are crying out for the King to be revealed (see Luke 19:40)!  Wisdom has come and entered into our hearts for the GRAND DEBUT, The RED CARPET EVENT – The Grand Unveiling of the end-time harvest by God’s own hand-selected, hand-picked remnant army!

For skillful and godly Wisdom shall enter into your heart, and knowledge shall be pleasant to you.  Discretion shall watch over you, understanding shall keep you, To deliver you from the way of evil and the evil men, from men who speak perverse things and are liars,” (Prov.2:10-12 AMPC).

GOD HAS GOT YOUR BACK! Don’t be afraid!  Every detail of their garments is symbolic.  Her sky-blue dress, a symbol of Holy Spirt; Her heels and the boa both bright white for purity and holiness, as was Jesus’ suit.  That boa, rich and full, was feathers, and I knew in an instant that it was His feathers, His pinions, under which we “…trust and find refuge…” (Psalm 91:4, AMPC).

“He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler,” (Ps. 91:4, KJV)

I never saw her face, only from behind, and her dress had no back, because ALL OF OUR WEAPONS of WARFARE, our armor (see Ephesians 6:11-17) is for pressing forward!  Listen, family:  there is no armor for our back side!  We have no need for armor for our back, because we will not turn and run, we will not back down!  God Himself is our rear guard (see Is. 52:12)!  When Wisdom comes, He shields us and guards our paths!  Don’t be afraid!  God has got your back!  Wisdom has arrived!

 “For the Lord gives skillful and godly Wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.  He hides away sound and godly Wisdom and stores it for the righteous (those who are upright and in right standing with Him); He is a shield to those who walk uprightly and in integrity, That He may guard the paths of justice; yes, He preserves the way of His saints,” (Prov. 2:6-8 AMPC).

Wisdom says,

I have counsel and sound knowledge, I have understanding, I have might and power.   By me kings reign and rulers decree justice.  By me princes rule, and nobles, even all the judges and governors of the earth.  I love those who love me, and those who seek me early and diligently shall find me. 

Riches and honor are with me, enduring wealth and righteousness (uprightness in every area and relation, and right standing with God). My fruit is better than gold, yes, than refined gold, and my increase than choice silver.

I [Wisdom] walk in the way of righteousness (moral and spiritual rectitude in every area and relation), in the midst of the paths of justice, That I may cause those who love me to inherit [true] riches and that I may fill their treasuries,” (Prov. 8:14-21 AMPC).

It is a time and a season to move forward with Wisdom, to press in and to get the job done!  Evangelists: Evangelize with Wisdom!  Prophets: Prophesy with Wisdom!  Teachers: Teach with Wisdom!  Pastors: Pastor with Wisdom!  Preachers: Preach with Wisdom!  There is no more time to waste!  Love Wisdom and she will love you back.  She will give you of her fruit, more precious than rubies, so that you may share it with those that are waiting, desperate to hear from you – and from her.

Wisdom has arrived!  Wisdom will take you places that you never before knew how to go, and some that you never even knew existed!  She will give you the resources that you need to allow you to rule and to reign righteously; to decree justice in the earth realm, and to bring reconciliation to the throngs and the masses of humanity that are waiting at the curb for us to step up to the plate!

Wisdom has come.  It is time, family of God, to do what we have been designed to do.  It is our Grand Debut, our Red Carpet Event.  It is the unveiling of the righteous church of our Holy God, full of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Strength, Knowledge, and of the Fear of the Lord.

“And the Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him—
The Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
The Spirit of counsel and strength,
The Spirit of knowledge and of the [reverential and obedient] fear of the Lord,”
(Isaiah 11:2).

Let’s get busy.  The end-time harvest is waiting for us at the curb!

Many blessings!

Edie Bayer,;


February 9-10, 2018                          $10 EA. REGISTER:
The REAL YOU Conference Plus The UN-Mask-erade Ball
Edie Bayer, Grace Cruz, Kari Perkins, Teresa Comparin, Michelle Bollom
No Makeup, No Bling, No Cameras, No Kidding!
The Christian Church of San Angelo, 4064 S. Bryant St, San Angelo, TX
***Also, FREE Author Seminar Sunday Feb. 11th 3:00 PM
February 17th, 2018                                                             Saturday 6:00 PM
Prophets ROAR and FREE Author Seminar
Darryl and Edie Bayer, Shon and Teresa Comparin, Margo Shields
New Beginnings House of Worship          12107 Toepperwein Dr., Live Oak, TX
***Also, FREE Author Seminar Saturday Feb. 17th at 3:00 PM
February 24th, 2018                                                             Saturday 6:00 PM
Unlocking Your Innermost             Kari Perkins, Edie Bayer, Yvette Cortez
Connections Church of NW Houston
13235 Kluge Rd, Cypress, TX 77429
March 9-10, 2018                                   Friday 6:30 PM, Saturday 9:30 AM                         
Hawaii FIRE!                                      Oahu Veteran’s Center, Honolulu, HI                          
Apostle Grace Cruz, Edie Bayer, Kari Perkins, Teresa Comparin
Apostle Tina Baker, Caleb Brundidge, Pastor Chris Miyake
1298 Kukila Street, Honolulu, HI  96818
$20 Registration Fee includes both days!  Register on