How much does it cost?


Jesus is often playful with me in my visions.  My encounter with him in service last night was no different.  I was rapt in worshipping the Lord, focusing on the whiteness of His robe.  I asked the Lord to wrap me in his arms, to “envelope” me. 

He laughed at me, as He often does, and started playfully tickling me and poking me.  He said, “So, what?  So I stick a stamp on you and mail you?”  Laughing and giggling like a child as we played, I said, “YES!  Mail me!”

He started teasing me about mailing me, saying, “Priority Mail!  Express Mail! Air Mail!”

Then he stopped and looked at me, and I at him, and He asked me, “Do you know how much it cost to mail you?”  I shook my head, “No.”

He said, simply, “EVERYTHING.  It cost everything.”

WHEN the Holy Spirit Comes in Like a Flood…

washer-dryerWHEN the Holy Spirit comes in like a Flood…

Has your washing machine ever overflowed?  Mine did today.  A few days ago, it was unbalanced in the spin cycle, and started “walking” across the room.  My husband moved it back, but the drain hose had partially come out of the wall, and he didn’t see it.  So when it went into the drain cycle today, water went everywhere!  We had a bona fide flood!  The water ran through the door of the utility room and under the wall into my front room, flowing toward the front door.

I had been making preparations to house fourteen traveling ministers this weekend.  I was busily cleaning house, making beds and doing laundry.  Simultaneously, I was editing a book, ministering and making plans for upcoming events, making a shopping list for animal feed, as well as necessities for remodeling our kitchen pantry.  I had many balls in the air, trying to juggle them all simultaneously.  So, when I walked into the front room to face the flood on the floor, I almost panicked!  I knew the floor needed to be mopped, but not today!  I was too busy!

I would have given anything for a squeegee!  I grabbed a bunch of towels and threw them down to create a “dam” and to start to soak up the water.  I had the thought, “Now I will have to do another load of towels!”  This is exactly what created this flood to begin with.

As I was cleaning up this monumental, Noah-style mess, the Holy Spirit started to show me some things.  While He was speaking, I realized that there was a lesson in this for us all.

I don’t know about you, but our utility room is a hardworking room in our house.  It is part laundromat, part storage shed, and part chicken-hatching-chick-brooder area.  It is a multi-tasking room.  We have a second refrigerator and our freezer in there too, not to mention a whole cast of items that we only use occasionally.  These were tucked away, hidden in the corners of the room…you know, “out of sight, out of mind”.  As I pulled them all out, one after the other, mopping up the flood from our tile floors, the Holy Spirit spoke to me.  He simply said, “WHEN The Holy Spirit comes in like a flood…”

My bible says, “When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him (Isaiah 59:19).”  We all know that scripture, but years ago I heard it preached otherwise.  The Holy Spirit confirmed it to me today.

I heard it preached that the comma is in the wrong place, and that passage of scripture should read, “When the enemy comes in, LIKE A FLOOD, THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD WILL LIFT UP A STANDARD AGAINST HIM (emphasis mine).”  See?  That is what I believe the Holy Spirit was saying to me today.  That He is coming in like a flood against the enemy!  And as He does, He will simultaneously UNCOVER and CLEANSE what it is that He reveals – like a flood!

I had a “cleansing” dream a few nights ago.  Cleansing dreams usually involve toilets or showers.  If we are fortunate, we are alone in the dream.  In my instance, it was in my front yard and in the neighbor’s yard!  So, I knew some cleansing was coming – but I didn’t know that He meant LITERALLY!

Now, as I was mopping up the mess with my many bath towels, Holy Spirit showed me a number of things that He is cleansing in this time in our lives, beginning with me:

  1. Things that are tucked away and “hidden” in the corners: We have a wide variety of things in our utility room, things that we almost never use.  There is an extra vacuum cleaner and a dehumidifier, some wire shelving, and numerous other items “hidden” and “tucked away”, things we only pull out and use every once in a while.  Holy Spirit showed me that these equate to ACTIONS and ATTITUDES that we have.

What are some things that YOU only pull out and use occasionally?  Does a “censored” word “just slip out” every once in a while?  Do you “bite” when you get mad, however rarely?  Are you racist?  Do you get drunk?  The Holy Spirit will be working on these attitudes in His children!  God’s people MUST walk virtuously, because HOLINESS = WHOLENESS!  We need to be WHOLE in order to walk through the days to come!

  1. Dirt: The Holy Spirit showed me all the dirt that was piled up in the corners of my utility room, under the washing machine and the sink.  I was ashamed!  There is lots of dirt that we don’t ordinarily see, because it is hidden behind, and under, these items that we so seldomly pull out and use!  Holy Spirit showed me that this DIRT is the UNDERLYING CAUSES OF OUR ACTIONS AND THOUGHT PROCESSES!

What kind of DIRT do you have hidden?  As an example, there was a­ man who drank himself to sleep every year on Super Bowl Sunday because he lost his daughter one year during the game.  Ironically, she was hit by a drunk driver, and he never forgave himself for her death.  His UNFORGIVENESS punished him, year after year.

Another example is when someone “snaps” at us, or is vicious, it’s because we have unwittingly walked into their unhealed WOUND.  They “bite” back, because it hurts!  This means that they (okay, WE) simply need healing!  Holy Spirit, our Comforter and our Guide will lead us into all truth (John 16:15)!  People who were abused in some way, whether physically, emotionally or verbally usually carry shame.  He wants us healed of all that!

He will show us WHAT we need to be healed of, and the very best way to get healed, so that we don’t have these characteristics anymore.

  1. Irregularities in the foundation: There were puddles of standing water on different areas of the tile floor in my front room.  There were high areas that the water had flowed over, seeking lower ground.  The floor slants a little, too, because it used to be the front porch before we closed it in and made it our front room and home church space.  Our house was built many years ago, and although the owner/builder was a decent carpenter, our foundation is not perfectly flat.  As a result, as I was moving the water, using the towel as a squeegee, the Holy Spirit showed me the irregularities in our house’s foundation.  Holy Spirit showed me that these IRREGULARITIES are faulty belief systems that we have acquired in our walk.  We have some GOOD beliefs, but we do not have All Truth!

What kind of IRREGULARITIES do you have in your foundation in “your house”?  Do you think that God is mad at you?  Or worse, that He gave you a disease?  Do you only go to church on Sundays?  Do you always tithe and give offerings?  I am not judging anyone.  I am simply implying that there may be some “cracks” in your foundation!  God is a “foundation God”.  He will give you foundational beliefs, and build upon them.  He cannot build on a faulty foundation!

You must know that the Holy Spirit will be seeking to level out ALL the high places in your walk with the Lord.  He will simultaneously be seeking to fill in all the low spots.  Holy Spirit is looking to train you up properly.  He will make sure that your foundation is SOLID so that God can continue to build upon it, precept upon precept (see Isaiah 28:10).

  1. House looks solid, but there are gaps under the walls: As the water was trying to find the lowest possible level, it also seeped into the closet in the next room, which fortunately was also tile. Because there are irregularities in the foundation, the wall doesn’t make full contact with the floor.  It appears to be solid, but there are gaps under the wall.  The Holy Spirit showed me these GAPS will cause issues in our walk.

Do things just “LOOK GOOD” on the outside?  I know some people for whom “appearances are everything”!  They would never let you know that there is something wrong with their perfectly projected world.  When asked, they are always, “Blessed and highly favored!”  I would like to propose that God wants us to walk in TRUTH, all of it – the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.  He already knows it!  So who are we hiding it from?

Even though your wall (walk) looks solid, if there are gaps between it and your foundation, you will eventually have structural issues!  A building can only go as high as its foundation allows.  Allow the Holy Spirit to build and rebuild your foundation!  Allow the Holy Spirit to come in and fill in the gaps!  Let Him teach you what you do not know, the things that you will need to get to the next level.  Let Him work on you to change your mindsets and preconceived notions of what the Kingdom Age truly is supposed to be!  Learn to lean on other believers, because iron sharpens iron (see Proverbs 27:17).  Get involved in a community of believing believers!

  1. Things are out of place, just when I thought I was done: I finally got all the water mopped up and drained out the front door.  Turning around, I saw two, large plastic tubs with my husband’s music books in them.  They don’t belong in the front room, but they had not made it to their permanent home yet because they are large and heavy.  I moved them, and underneath was more water!  I still wasn’t done.  The Holy Spirit showed me that there are some things that are currently in our lives that He is still working on – in my life and yours.

What in your life is out of place, something that doesn’t belong where it is?  The key here is to look at your life through the lens of the Holy Spirit, because that is exactly what He is doing.  He looks at our lives, at the things that do not belong there, and He gently nudges us to move them, or helps us to remove them.  He is already at work in you. He is already working on revealing and cleansing those thoughts and attitudes, those people and circumstances, those issues, and helping to move them out of your life.  If you have not been able to move them, because they are too large and too heavy, like my husband’s tubs of music books, fret not!  The Holy Spirit is incredibly strong!  All things are possible for those who believe (Mark 9:23)!  Just believe.

  1. The Amplified says, “And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose.” It turned out that the flood water made the room smell great!  It was all fresh and clean, from the washing of the water of the Word (see Ephesians 5:26).  The Holy Spirit breathed on me today through this set of unfortunate circumstances, which He turned around for my good, and YOURS!  He gave us all a lesson today, through this message.  The Holy Spirit showed me that His Water cleanses with the word.  It makes everything smell fresh and great!

If something in your life “stinks”, call on the Holy Spirit!  The Holy Spirit is “the washing machine”!  He washes us and cleanses us.  He is here to assist.  He is your paraclete, Him Who comes alongside, your helper, your comforter.  He is the Spirit of the Lord!  Jesus sent Him to us to help us, to lead us and guide us into all truth.  He is our helper.  Lean on Him!  He will be more than happy to point you to Jesus and glorify the Father!  Just like today!

  1. The cleansing is a continuous process: Even now I see two little puddles of water by the front door….

Blessings in your cleansings!

Edie Bayer


March 17th – 18th, 2017

POWER UP with Prophetic Signs and Wonders! 

Friday and Saturday night PROPHETIC


Includes Book and Workbook and LUNCH!

Lifestreams Ministry Center

Debra Holt (217) 454-6200

1681 N 22nd St

Decatur, IL  62526


March 19th, 2017 – 6:00 PM

Destiny Fellowship

Pastor Rod Hite

2500 North Main
Moweaqua, IL 62550


April 28th – 30th

Freedom Fellowship

Grace Cortez, Kell Bales

342 S Chadbourne St

San Angelo, TX 76903


May 19th 

Southern Gate Church

Jill and Hardy Jones

12053 D’Iberville Blvd,

D’Iberville MS


May 21st

As One United in Christ Fellowship

Apostle Mike & Susan Barnett

Valerie Voelker 225-933-8558

30915 Barnett Lane

Denham Springs, LA


June Tour, OHIO and INDIANA

June 16th – 26th

With Edie Bayer and Kelli Keeton

Special Guest Speakers:  Darryl Bayer

Jo Ellen Stevens and Nelson Schuman

Praise and Worship: The Enoch Company


June 16-19 : East Gate Glory,

2585 E Main St., Lancaster OH

Times TBA

June 21st – New Life Assembly of God,

Noblesville, IN 7PM


JULY – Durban South Africa

With Vivi Jean Jones

Dates/Locations TBA

God is Sending Seeds of Multiplication! See Your Opportunity and Take It!


God is Sending Seeds of Multiplication! See Your Opportunity and Take It!

I looked on the floor this morning and saw a single pepper plant seed.  There was only one, in an area of the house that shouldn’t have ANY…the bathroom.  It was totally odd and out of place, and my eyes were drawn to it as a result.  At the same time, it was just one tiny, little seed in an ocean of marble floor tile.  It could easily have been overlooked.

To me it was obvious God had placed it in just the right spot to catch my attention.  As I looked at this little seed on the ground, I heard the Spirit say, “Seeds of Multiplication”.  I leaned over and picked it up. I examined it to confirm that it was, indeed, a pepper plant seed, and it was.

Immediately, I envisioned pepper plants growing with multiple peppers on them, each with multitudes of seeds inside each pepper.  Each seed has the potential to grow multiple pepper plants with multiple peppers on it, and multitudes of seeds in each one.  How many plants could come from this single seed?  It has the opportunity to yield astronomical numbers of fruit, multiplied and multiplied — from one single, solitary, tiny, little seed – fruitfulness forever, without end. How brilliant is our Lord?

“But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold (Matthew 13:8 KJV).”

See the opportunity and take it!  I believe God is showing us just one facet of the transfer of wealth.  The transfer of wealth is not necessarily winning a sweepstakes, or hitting the lottery.  It is seeing an opportunity for which the Lord has positioned you, and TAKING IT!

As an example, we just received the opportunity to subscribe to software “in the cloud” for less than 1/60th of the cost of a regular monthly subscription.  This is software that we truly need to do what He wants us to do.  The Lord made sure that my husband saw that offer, in such a way that he could not overlook it.  It is a benefit of working where he works, and believe me, it is a transfer of wealth from the wicked to the righteous!

“Bless the Lord, O My Soul, and forget not all His benefits (Ps. 103:2 KJV)!”

You see, it is also a BENEFIT of working for the Kingdom!  Without Him, we wouldn’t need that software as much as we do.  He knows we need it, and He is supplying it, for basically no cost.  This one collection of software will enable us to multiply our efforts for the Kingdom, and do it almost for free: a Seed of Multiplication!

God wants us to know that He is setting us into position to see that which will multiply exponentially.  It will be something small and seemingly insignificant, something that could easily be overlooked… however, it holds the key to your destiny! Just like the tiny pepper plant seed, it contains Seeds of Multiplication!

“When Isaac planted his crops that year, he harvested a hundred times more grain than he planted, for the LORD blessed him (Genesis 26:12 NLT).”

This ONE THING that God is going to show you, whatever it is, has the potential to branch out into multiple areas of fruitfulness, just like the pepper plant, to both empower you, and to fulfill your Kingdom mandate.  God will be sure that you see it, just like Moses, who turned aside to see the burning bush!  He knows what you need and will make sure you see it!  Ask Him!

And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt (Exodus 3:3).

 “Ask and keep on asking and it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking and you will find; knock and keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who keeps on asking receives, and he who keeps on seeking finds, and to him who keeps on knocking, it will be opened (Matthew 7:7-8 AMP).”

Put a Demand on Heaven!  At the end of last year, Kingdom Promoters was a little upside down.  It costs money to go out on the road and minister, as any itinerant minister will agree.  I talked to the Lord about it, and I told the Lord that it was His job to make up that deficit.  Kingdom Promoters is His ministry, and those were His bills.  He was obligated to not only pay them, but to supply the money for 2017, to be sure that I had enough to begin this year.  I simply put a Demand on Heaven!

Now understand.  It was November. I had no more ministry events on my calendar at that point.  I was looking at a bank statement in essence at zero, no money coming in from any source, and a credit card bill of about $2000.  I had nothing to pay the bill.  However, I did have faith and determination that God was going to step in.  Sure enough, He did.  But not the way I expected!

I had been teaching free author seminars around the country for the last two years, and I felt as though the Lord was leading me to minister to His ministers, helping them get published inexpensively.  God led me to open up a small publishing company.  He named it Glorified Publishing.

It turned out that this was my Seed of Multiplication! He started sending ministers who wanted to write books! I was able to help them and minister to them by assisting them to inexpensively write and publish their books.  Within a month, those bills were paid, and within sixty days I had plenty to get Kingdom Promoters rolling in 2017, using the Seeds of Multiplication that He had supplied!

I wasn’t looking for this Seed of Multiplication, in fact, I didn’t even recognize it as a seed!  But God!   He made absolutely certain that I saw it, and pressed me to take the opportunity!  He provided this blessing, because He knew exactly what I was going to need, before I ever knew I was going to need it!

“…for your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him (Matthew 6:8 NLT)!”

So look around you.  Your Seeds of Multiplication are probably completely out of place, odd and may even be easily overlooked.  However, fret not, because God is going to be sure that you “zoom-in” and focus on that thing.  He will make sure that He draws your attention to it, so that you do not overlook it.  It is YOUR blessing, a BENEFIT of where you work and for Whom – the Kingdom of God!

“Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom (Luke 12:32).”

Many Miracle Multiplication Seed blessings in 2017!

Edie Bayer




March 17th – 18th, 2017

Lifestreams Ministry Center

Debra Holt (217) 454-6200

1681 N 22nd St

Decatur, IL  62526


April 28th – 30th

Freedom Fellowship

Grace Cortez, Kell Bales

342 S Chadbourne St

San Angelo, TX 76903


May 19th 

Southern Gate Church

Jill and Hardy Jones

12053 D’Iberville Blvd,

D’Iberville MS


May 21st

As One United in Christ Fellowship

Apostle Mike & Susan Barnett

Valerie Voelker 225-933-8558

30915 Barnett Lane

Denham Springs, LA